
Posted by pulkomandy on Sun Apr 28 16:59:31 2024  •  Comments (0)  • 

Liens en vrac vers les amis, projets auxquels je participe, et d'autres trucs...

My world domination projects

  • GrafX2, a multi-platform pixel art tool. I ressurected the project back in 2007, porting it from MS-DOS to many other platforms.
  • CPC SDK, an assortment Amstrad CPC cross-development tools. I got tired of gathering various tools from many places, most abandoned by their original authors, and decided to group them all in a single Git repository.
  • Haiku, an open source operating system for normal people.
  • ENSSAT Robotique, I was a member of my engineering school robotics team. We managed to get to the final phases of the French robotics competition.


  • Le blog d'ASCII, un collègue étudiant à l'ENSSAT. Jeux de rôles, sites web, et plein d'autres trucs super!
  • Le musée de Sylvestre. De l'Amstrad, des gros pixels qui cligotent, et plein d'autres trucs super!
  • PauLLA, le LUG Palois.
  • Toulibre, des libristes à Toulouse.
  • Le blog d'Exocet, avec du pixelart dedans.

I like these guys!

  • Kevtris (NES, FPGA, Chiptunes, misc. hacking and noodles)
  • Linus Akesson (Chiptunes, music, demomaking, atmega, C64 and pipe organs)

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